Every year, mid June, Biarritz is THE place to be! Some says it’s a hipster event, some says it’s more and more a mainstream event…. Whatever you can hear, or read, you have to be there… At least to make your own opinion. We have been there since the first edition at Le Phare, and of course things have changed since. But this is always the best excuse to have a few days off and spend a great time with your friends.
This year, the weather was again a bit tricky, but finally not that bad. The village has to be moved to an indoor place due to a lot of wind and rain during its preparation. Less sexy place than usual but probably better than spending a few days walking in the mud….
Like last year, we took part to El Rollo Flat Track race. When we arrived at the track in the morning, it was damn raining and the track was so muddy that we thought the race wouldn’t take place. Finally it stopped raining and sun came back. The race schedule was 3h postponed and we finally race on a good track.
My class was a big carryall… Not easy to compete against modern 450 mx or enduro bikes…. But the main goal was to have fun. I had the chance to ride a heat with Wilfried Delestre (French Flat Track champion) and Jean-Michel Bayle #111…. An true honor… Despite all this, I reached the class final, but in the first turn, blocked in the pack, I touched a wheel and got kicked to the outside and found myself at the last place…. I finally overpassed a few riders to not finished at the last place but didn’t make it to the Great finale. Not a big deal, we spent such a great moment.

W&W is also the best opportunity to see so many different and original styles, motorcycles, peoples…. A lot of good photographers document well the event and you probably saw a lot of pics spotting on internet. Here are a few that get our attention.
Can’t wait for 2019 edition!
François Joret Portraits serie (Full album)

Laurent Chazoule / Chazster (Facebook for more images)

Elegant Apparatus (facebook for more images)

Kati Kayadaek (facebook for more images)

Laurent Nivalle (Instagram for more images)